Who Can Contribute to Our Blog?
As its name so well implies, the domain name “Extra Game Place” refers to a blogging website that is completely committed to the world of video games. Everyone who has experience in this field and is ready to deliver high-quality, original writing on a variety of topics is eligible for the opportunity to participate as a Guest Blogger’ on our website. All you need to do to qualify for this opportunity is provide original writing on a topic of your choice.
Limitation and Rules
There is just one limitation of this type, and that is the fact that we are focusing all of our efforts on a single market; other than that, there are no other restrictions. Whatever level of writing experience you may have, you are more than welcome to contribute here if you are able to generate some content that is both unique and the best. It is of the utmost importance that the rules be followed in an accurate and consistent way at all times:
Rule #1: If you are serious about being paid for your work, we respectfully request that you do not submit it to our blogging network.
Rule #2: Additionally, we would like to bring to your notice the fact that we do not allow the promotion of blogs written by our competitors inside the website.
Rule #3: On top of that, we will never, ever, under any circumstances, agree to the publication of any kind of press release on our website. This is a rule that is strictly adhered to by our business, and we don’t make any exceptions.
Why Should You Write for Us?
We (Extra Game Place) have a solid understanding of the expectations that our readership has, we design blogs that are not only easy to navigate but also include a wealth of content and are optimized to perform well in the results that search engines provide.
Our website continues to get a significant number of visits on a monthly basis. We devote a significant amount of our time, energy, and attention to the research process, and we go to great measures to guarantee that our website will only ever publish material that has been well researched and provides useful information.
If you collaborate with a platform such as ours, your work will be seen to a larger audience, which will, in turn, have an impact on the amount of traffic that is directed towards your website. Due to the fact that our website is connected to a number of other reputable websites, the search engine optimization (SEO) of your personal blog will improve dramatically as a direct result of these relationships.
If you wish to write for us, you had better have a convincing reason. Only then should you consider sending us a query at Contact Us. Your dedication to the creation of original, high-quality material that is based on the gaming niche will not only be important to us, but it will also aid you in increasing the potential of your website or blog.
We are providing a variety of advantages that will be of assistance to you in resolving your concerns to a greater degree accessible to you, and these benefits are as follows:
Attract Qualified Users and Quickly Gain Notoriety in the Gaming Industry
Since you are a blogger, you undoubtedly have a strong idea of how important it is for people to visit your website or blog already. The central idea that underpins your website or blog is what makes it possible for it to exist in the first place, and it is also what ensures that it will continue to be successful in the years to come.
Even a little break in the action might derail your whole writing experience and make it next to impossible to get back on track. Since managing the traffic that comes to one’s blog requires the employment of methods that are both quick and successful in their execution, the generation of content that is both of high quality and unique is just the beginning of this process.
Managing the traffic that comes to one’s blog also requires the generation of content that is both of high quality and unique. If visitors to your website are able to get anything of value from it, they will begin to take an interest in it on their own.
Improve Your Gaming Blog’s SEO And Domain Authority
The use of guest blogging is one of the strategies that have the highest rate of success and is one of the most effective approaches. It can also be used to increase the search engine authority of your domain name.
Backlinks are of fantastic assistance and benefit. Your efforts to get some high-quality backlinks from a well-known blog will, in the long term, have a positive impact on the search engine optimization (SEO) of your website or blog. The advantages won’t only accrue to that one page, but they will eventually have an effect on how well your whole blog performs as well.
Build Online Influence, Expand Gaming Network
If you post guest articles to our website, you will have the chance to network with some of the most well-known bloggers in your specialized field all over the world. This is because our website is read by people around the globe.
Since we believe that if we gave you the opportunity to publish your author profile on our website in conjunction with your guest post, it would help you become more well-known among the people who frequently visit our site. We strongly suggest that you make the most of this opportunity and publish your author profile on our website.
You May Use It to Attract More Online Fans and Promote Your Brand
As we have already explained to you that we utilize a variety of social media networks in order to improve the SEO of our website, contributing to it by writing guest post articles can help you attract a greater number of followers and subscribers to your own website or blog.
Permissible Content for Gaming Write for Us
The provision of one-of-a-kind information of a high standard is the fundamental reason why such a large number of individuals are already familiar with our website. We are of the opinion that the only way to adequately satisfy the expectations of our audience is to provide content that has been the subject of significant research and is educational. This is due to the fact that we feel this to be the only method to successfully cater to the requirements of our target audience.
We take a strong stand against the publication of articles that have been plagiarized or changed in any way, and we encourage others to do the same. Writing is a kind of artistic expression that gives you the ability to record your ideas, thoughts, and facts in a way that is highly unique and useful for the audience you are addressing. You are free to make use of this to your benefit.
Writing is not only about imparting information to readers; rather, it is about preserving all of that information in a way that is useful to the readers. Since this is the very minimum condition for being taken into consideration, the articles that can be published on this website must have an originality level of at least 90 percent throughout their whole bodies of text.
Write for Us – Do We Pay?
The efforts made by our authors are not recognized in any way, shape, or form financially. Extra Game Place is a website that was first developed as a side project and is now being maintained by those that have a strong interest in participating in video gaming.
Gaming Guest Posting Guidelines
When it comes time to make our decision, we won’t take into account any information that isn’t well-written, original, timely, and relevant to the matter at hand unless it meets all of those criteria. If you have already published article elsewhere, there is no point in sending it to us because we examine articles before we publish them. We use Copyscape and Google to examine articles before we publish them.
The minimum number of words that should be included in a post is 800, while the maximum number of words can be larger than 2000.
Every picture that is used has to satisfy one of these three requirements in order for it to be considered appropriate: it can either be the author’s original invention, it can be legally licensed, or it can be found in the public domain.
If any of these conditions are not met, the picture will not be considered appropriate. (We ask that you always show concern for the copyright of others. This is a request made with the utmost respect.)
Reading the articles shouldn’t be difficult, and it should be sectioned off with subheadings to produce a flow that is consistent all the way through the reading experience.
Each link that is included in the article should connect readers to a reliable website that offers content that is connected with the topic that is being addressed in the post.
There should be a maximum of one to two links in total, and it is advised that there be one link for every 600 words.
Images are not essential but might prove to be helpful. Image size for featured: 1280px x 720px.
It would be really beneficial if you could make sure to create information that is fascinating enough for other people who want to connect to it in exchange for the fact that you would link back to this article in any future articles that you write. If you could please do this for us, we would be quite grateful.
When it comes to selecting the pieces that will be included in the anthology, we have a great degree of latitude in terms of our decision-making. It is of the utmost importance that the information you present is not just instructive, but also well-written, entertaining, and in some way unique.
- The inclusion of a heading in the post is required like (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6).
Guidelines for Guest Posting Queries
- Online Gaming “Write for Us”
- Blogging About Video Games
- Game Hardware “Write For Us”
- Game Development “Write for Us”
- Video Game Reviewer Wanted
- “Write For Us” Game Blog
- “Write For Us” Tech Blog
- Game “Write for Us”
- Game Blog “Write for Us”
- “Write For Us” Gaming Gadgets
Which of the Many Different Kinds of Article Categories Would I Be Able to Write?
We are grateful for the interest you have shown in helping out with ExtraGamePlace.com development. You are capable of writing an article that falls into one of these categories: PC Games, Wrestling, Strategy, Sports, SEGA, Racing, Arcade & Classic, Adventure, Action, Console Games, XBOX, PSVR, PS5, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Gaming News, Mobile Games, HardWare & Tech, Game Reviews
How to Submit an Article to Us?
The method of submitting your guest post articles by using the email address that we have provided for you is one that is uncomplicatedly simple. We enjoy it when guest post pitches are provided to us.
If you are interested in submitting an opportunity for a guest post as soon as possible, you may do so by contacting us.
Final Thoughts
If you go all the way back up to the top of this page, you will be able to see a comprehensive list of the rules that we have compiled for the guest posts that will be published on our website. We really hope that it didn’t provide too much of a challenge for you to figure out.
Time Required for Approval of Guest Posts
As we receive a lot of requests for guest posts, it is very obvious that it will take us some time to review the guest post that you have provided. After you have submitted your guest articles for review, the assessment process will normally take an average of three (03) working days to be finished.
Chances of Guest Posts Approval
When it comes to concerns of approval, the primary means of contact that we have with authors is via the use of email. So, Guys! In the event that you are able to produce works of remarkable quality, you are more than welcome to demonstrate your writing talent in this part.
We provide a variety of channels via which your company’s products, brands, and publications may be publicized. If you would want to promote your content on the homepage of our website, it is something that we are able to accomplish as well. The advertising area will determine the ideal rates that will be charged for the space.
Be certain that your product, brand, and publication(s) are all directly tied to the gaming niche.
We are excited to hear what you have to give and look forward to viewing it. And with that, every one of the prerequisites for taking part in Gaming Write for Us has been finished!